Job-Hunting Costs

Kiplinger—by Kevin McCormally

If you’re among the millions of unemployed Americans who were looking for a job,  we hope you kept track of your job-search expenses … or can reconstruct them. If you’re looking for a position in the same line of work, you can deduct job-hunting costs as miscellaneous expenses if you itemize. Qualifying expenses can be written off even if you didn’t land a new job. But such expenses can be deducted only to the extent that your total miscellaneous expenses exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income. Job-hunting expenses incurred while looking for your first job don’t qualify. Deductible job-search costs include, but aren’t limited to:

— Transportation expenses incurred as part of the job search, including 56.5 cents a mile for driving your own car plus parking and tolls

— Food and lodging expenses if your search takes you away from home overnight

— Cab fares

— Employment agency fees

— Costs of printing resumes, business cards, postage, and advertising.


AccountingTax Deductible Job Hunting Costs